
Showing posts from October, 2017

Today I wore a crop top...

“You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.”  ―  Amy Bloom Today I wore my cropped Motorhead jumper since gaining even more weight. No, you can’t see any bare skin unless I lift my arms, I’m not wearing a single piece of material just to cover my breasts. Maybe I’m not as brave as others to reveal my stomach. But fuck it, I’m trying to embrace what I have, owning what I am and how I look. Today, I said fuck you to bullshit beauty standards. I used to be thin when I was younger, around 10 or 11 stone. I still hated myself then. I hated the way my belly used to stick out and how my bum and boobs were much bigger than everyone else. I felt like a freak when I used to have to wear a bra at age 10/11. I used to pinch the tiny little bit of fat on me and called myself obese, never going out in anything too skimpy or in anything that would show my stomach. I genuinely thought I was massive looking in the mirror. If I had any advice for my younger