
Showing posts from July, 2017

Why I don't use therapy anymore

“Think of your head as an unsafe neighbourhood; don't go there alone.”  For years, I have seen various psychologists and therapists, from child to adolescent and then adult. I have had group therapy, Cognitive behavioural therapy and EMDR (which is used to suppress old memories that cause distress). In the past I have found it incredibly helpful to speak to a therapist and have often found myself getting to the heart of why I feel the way I do. I have learn`pt so many techniques on how to calm myself down before panic attacks, how to prevent myself from self-harming, how to ignore negative and self-critical thoughts etc. However, therapy just doesn’t feel helpful anymore. The main reason therapy doesn’t feel helpful anymore is because sitting in a room, detailing my problems, why I feel the way I do, reminds me that I am mentally ill. I have to admit all of my problems and have to try and accept it all over again. I am at a point of my illness that it is accepted, it is