Hi Self-Critical voice, Piss Off!

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind" William James

I have this OVER self-CRITICAL and self-LOATHING voice that makes me feel crap. It ruins my day and makes me sink lower. It makes me question my decisions and my thoughts. It's essentially a bully and makes me feel as if I'm being bullied, by myself. 
  • My appearance 
  • The clothes I wear
  • Life choices 
  • If I make the tiniest mistake at work 
  • Uni assignments 
  • In social situations (THIS IS MAJOR)
Over the past year, I have been working hard to try and eradicate this inner voice. At times, it has worked so much, but when my anxiety has spiked or I am feeling low it creeps back up on me. Here are a few methods I have used to prevent the critical voice from bullying me.

1.    The realisation that this is just an inner voice and isn't a "true voice"
I have many inner voices, the voice that laughs at my funny joke when no one else does, the voice that makes a joke of something when I'm on my own. They can be pleasant, this is the true inner voice, this is "you". That's what I have to remember, that the self-loathing and critical voice is just another voice and that isn't a representation of myself.

2.    Questioning why the self-loathing and self-critical voice is the most prominent
This voice is not constant, however when it does start I question why it is starting. Am I feeling low? Am I uncomfortable in the situation? When you have addressed why the voice is starting then you can address finding a method of stopping it.
I usually pay more attention to the self-critical voice in times when I am distressed or in bad situations, such as in a large group of people, or meeting people for the first time. Then the voice will say “why would they like you, you’re (BLAH BLAH BLAH), they hate you, you’re a joke”. When I have found the reason for why the inner voice is speaking, I can address how to stop it.

            Sometimes this is extremely difficult.

3.    Telling the voice to PISS OFF.
In some situations, merely telling the voice to do one works. Although it can be strange when I’m at work telling myself to shut up because I’ve just made a mistake and the inner voice has started (you look odd, shrug it off!). However, this doesn’t work in times of serious distress.

4.    Taking yourself away from the situation
When the voice starts in a situation and you’ve already tried to shrug it off, removing yourself from the situation can ease the voice. You haven’t let it win, you just need more time to work out a method to combat it.
I find that taking myself away from certain situations does help, even if it is for a quick five minutes in the toilet. It allows me to stabilise and ground myself before going back into the situation. It isn’t unknown for me to also leave the situation altogether if it gets too much. Those are the bad times, I try not to let that happen.

5.    Battling the inner voice
The voice can say what it wishes, but I can say something to rule it out! I still struggle with his as I have always been critical of my looks etc. This method entails checking yourself out in the mirror, telling yourself the assignment you submitted was fab, telling yourself your hair and makeup is on point. Little points that make yourself feel good!
I find that if I try and boost myself and make myself feel confident, I don’t let the self-critical voice affect me as much and I can go about my day without interruptions. Instead of letting the inner voice bully me, I challenge it.

I find this method the most effective as it doesn’t just beat them in a certain situation, but also tries to eradicate them completely.

It is good to be critical and sometimes to analyse what you are doing or what you are about to do. But not to the point that it makes you ill, not to the point when that voice is all you can listen to. 
It is so hard to stop listening to inner voice and it is easy to underestimate the power that it has on your wellbeing.
            Don’t let it win.


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